Monday, April 13, 2015

MamasTotalDomination....and this time, I mean it!

It has been quite some time since I decided to dominate this whole house.  I started an instagram with the intention of posting domination projects. Somehow I posted more pictures of shoes and outfits than housework. Time passed, I stayed stressed and nothing changed. I was still finishing gradaute school, and trying to balance work demands, mom demands, school demands and the demands of my brain to just get to slouch sometimes.
Technically, I am now done with graduate school (dependent upon the results of my comprehensive exams *crossed fingers*), so there is no longer that excuse that I can pull out and wave like a white flag.
Just about the time I started to feel like I really need to get in charge around here, I discovered this book   in a video by OrganizedJen and downloaded it immediately. I started to read it tonight, as well as loaded up my playlist on youtube with lots of videos by people who are using this KonMari method to purge and tidy their homes.
I love tidy. I have pinboard after pinboard of obsessively tidy spaces. It makes me feel calm to look at those spaces. I also love things, and those two are just not good roommates. I purge a lot, but it never manages to make a permanent difference. In reading the book The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, I know I am going to have to come to terms with the things, but I am hoping this is a project I'll be able to do.
I think I'm going to begin in small projects and build up. The nice thing about her method is that you work by category of item, not room. That will feel much more do-able to me.
But, for now....I need to finish the book. This isn't something to rush, according to the author Marie Kondo. I want to do this right, so I'm going to have to do this in order and with intention.

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